2007年9月27日 星期四
Edith Piaf 的祈禱
看了粉紅色的一生. 電影描述Edith Piaf 晚年時接受訪問,其中內容,簡單卻令我震撼!
記者問: 有祈禱習慣嗎?
Edith說: 常常...
記:為什麼 (要祈禱)?
Edith: 因為愛. (另一組鏡頭切入,年輕且又已成名的她,為愛人在台上比賽拳擊,在台下為他祈禱,希望他的身體不會受到傷害,平安完成比賽)
如此簡單精警. 我從未想過能如此直接道盡祈禱的真義.
Edith Piaf 唱Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien 另一個版本.
Non! Rien de rien ... 不,一點都不會
Non ! Je ne regrette rien不,我沒什麼好後悔
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait無論那些人對我好
Ni le mal tout ca m'est bien egal !或是對我不好,這些都無所謂
Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,一點都不會
Non ! Je ne regrette rien... 不,我沒什麼好後悔
C'est paye, balaye, oublie那些已經付出的、掠過的、遺忘的
Je me fous du passe!關於過去,我毫不在乎
Avec mes souvenirs我的回憶
J'ai allume le feu我點燃了火燄
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs我的憂愁,我的歡愉
Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux !我不再需要它們
Balayes les amours avec leurs tremolos掃除那些情愛以及其它的蜚短流長
Balayes pour toujours永遠地清除去
Je repars a zero ...我要重新開始
Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,一點也不
Non ! Je ne regrette rien ... 不,我沒有什麼好後悔
Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait無論那些人對我好
Ni le mal, tout ca m'est bien egal ! 或是對我不好,這些我全都無所謂
Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,一點都不會
Non ! Je ne regrette rien ... 不,我毫不後悔
Car ma vie, car mes joies因為我的生命、我的喜悅
Aujourd'hui, ca commence avec toi !從今天起,與你一同開始
延伸閱讀: Edith Piaf
2007年9月23日 星期日
答:閱讀、聽音樂、看影碟 ,上網,行山
4:如果唔駛返學 / 返工你會點呢?
答:在家裡靜靜地看書,聽音樂 或 到郊外散步。
5:如果中 500 萬獎金,你會怎麼花?
答:爸爸過世. 心愛的人離開自己.受浸...太多,不知如何說..
答:以色列 / 客西馬尼園
答:「你好啊,我叫manna/xx, 你呢。」
答:耶穌 ( 他也是神的兒子,既是人又是神)其次是我所愛的人 :)
17:你最最最唔鐘意做/面對, 但係又一定做o既事?
18:最愛既 Song?
答:太多, Shape of my heart,Moon river,All I want is you,You 're beautiful(music video拍得好正,有一種天地蒼茫的感覺),With or Without you, 恩典太美麗,愛是不保留,How great is our God ......
答:" 我若能說萬人的方言、並天使的話語、卻沒有愛、我就成了鳴的鑼、響的鈸一般。我若有先知講道之能、也明白各樣的奧秘、各樣的知識.而且有全備的信、叫我能夠移山、卻沒有愛、我就算不得甚麼。 我若將所有的賙濟窮人、又捨己身叫人焚燒、卻沒有愛、仍然與我無益。"
"愛是恆久忍耐、又有恩慈.愛是不嫉妒.愛是不自誇.不張狂.不作害羞的事.不求自己的益處.不輕易發怒.不計算人的惡.不喜歡不義.只喜歡真理.凡事包容.凡事相信.凡事盼望.凡事忍耐。愛是永不止息。” (哥前 13:1-8a)
英格烈褒曼,大江健三郎,Leonard Cohen,卡夫卡,芥川龍之介, 魯益師,托爾金....
答: 浦台島
答:在地上與所愛的人心意合一,一起信靠主 , 生一個愛主的小孩子; 身邊未信主的家人,朋友全部歸主;在天家與耶穌共舞.(哈哈,好似唔止一個願望呢)
答: 不時都會大笑,最近也試過做夢笑醒,咁多次都 唔多記得是什麼時候.
31:你如何看待自己與地球之間的關係?(Gary 再想問)
2007年9月22日 星期六
與Michelle msn上聊天, 講起近日,覺得內心很不平安.希望她為我祈禱.
她介紹了足印這首歌給我. 也msn了幾首歌給我. 給我鼓勵, 真的謝謝天父,在我感到有些不安失落的時候,派了這位天使安慰我.
憶當天的那段舊夢 祂彷似與我夜裡共行
祂當天親身的應許 祂必會與我伴結前行
每次我心中多悲傷 祂怎卻遠去剩我獨行
沙灘中的每段道路 編出你與我兩雙足印
一生中的每段道路 都必會帶領我經過
每次我感到是寂寞 祂怎卻遠去剩我孤單
漫漫路無論多少崎嶇 都有基督緊握我手
路漸盡回望我的一生 雖有祂一起的腳蹤
默默地在我身邊的主 跟我低聲輕輕說出
遇寂寞但也不孤單 明白你是共行
但絕望並困境之中 全是孤單足印
在絕望路裡的一雙 原是我的足印
回望我過去 多少的失意 但你每次每次也在旁
是你抹我淚痕 是你背我經過
明白到有你居於心深處 我不再是獨行
前路有你共行 留下雙雙足印
2007年9月21日 星期五
Edith Piaf - Non je ne regrette rien (不,我一點都不後悔)
法國名女歌手小雲雀Edith Piaf 晚年一首激昂的,道盡她一生心聲的歌.
網上找到歌詞翻譯版本, 由Gina 翻譯
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (不,我沒什麼好後悔)主唱:Edith Piaf 翻譯:GINA
Non! Rien de rien ... 不,一點都不會
Non ! Je ne regrette rien不,我沒什麼好後悔
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait無論那些人對我好
Ni le mal tout ca m'est bien egal !或是對我不好,這些都無所謂
Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,一點都不會
Non ! Je ne regrette rien... 不,我沒什麼好後悔
C'est paye, balaye, oublie那些已經付出的、掠過的、遺忘的
Je me fous du passe!關於過去,我毫不在乎
Avec mes souvenirs我的回憶
J'ai allume le feu我點燃了火燄
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs我的憂愁,我的歡愉
Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux !我不再需要它們
Balayes les amours avec leurs tremolos掃除那些情愛以及其它的蜚短流長
Balayes pour toujours永遠地清除去
Je repars a zero ...我要重新開始
Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,一點也不
Non ! Je ne regrette rien ... 不,我沒有什麼好後悔
Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait無論那些人對我好
Ni le mal, tout ca m'est bien egal ! 或是對我不好,這些我全都無所謂
Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,一點都不會
Non ! Je ne regrette rien ... 不,我毫不後悔
Car ma vie, car mes joies因為我的生命、我的喜悅
Aujourd'hui, ca commence avec toi !從今天起,與你一同開始
標籤: 歌/Edith Piaf
2007年9月17日 星期一
2007年9月13日 星期四
Stay ( Faraway , so close ) by U2
Stay ( Faraway ,so close ) by U2
U2為Wim Wender的電影 柏林蒼穹下( Wing of desire)續集咫尺天涯(Faraway, So Close) 所作的歌.
Green light, Seven Eleven
You stop in for a pack of cigarettes
You don't smoke, don't even want to
Hey now, check your change
Dressed up like a car crash
Your wheels are turning but you're upside down
You say when he hits you, you don't mind
Because when he hurts you, you feel alive
Hey babe, is that what it is
Red lights, gray morning
You stumble out of a hole in the ground
A vampire or a victim
It depend's on who's around
You used to stay in to watch the adverts
You could lip synch to the talk shows
And if you look, you look through me
And when you talk, you talk at me
And when I touch you, you don't feel a thing
If I could stay...
Then the night would give you up
Stay...and the day would keep its trust
Stay...and the night would be enough
Faraway, so close
Up with the static and the radio
With satelite television
You can go anywhere
Miami, New Orleans
London, Belfast and Berlin
And if you listen I can't call
And if you jump, you just might fall
And if you shout, I'll only hear you
If I could stay...
Then the night would give you up
Stay...then the day would keep its trust
Stay...with the demons you drowned
Stay...with the spirit I found
Stay...and the night would be enough
Three o'clock in the morning
It's quiet and there's no one around
Just the bang and the clatter
As an angel runs to ground
Just the bang
And the clatter
As an angel
Hits the ground
2007年9月10日 星期一
Miss sarajevo by U2 and Pavarotti
Is there a time for keeping your distance
A time to turn your eyes away
Is there a time for keeping your head down
For getting on with your day
Is there a time for kohl and lipstick
A time for curling hair
Is there a time for high street shopping
To find the right dress to wear
Here she comes
Heads turn around
Here she comes
To take her crown
Is there a time to run for cover
A time for kiss and tell
Is there a time for different colours
Different names you find it hard to spell
Is there a time for first communion
A time for East Seventeen
Is there a time to turn to Mecca
Is there time to be a beauty queen
Here she comes
Beauty plays the clown
Here she comes
Surreal in her crown
[Pavarotti sing]:
Dici che il fiume
Trova la via al mare
E come il fiume
Giungerai a me
Oltre i confini
E le terre assetate
Dici che come fiume
Come fiume...
L'amore giungerà
E non so più pregare
E nell'amore non so più sperare
E quell'amore non so più aspettare
[Translation of the above]
You say that the river
finds the way to the sea
and like the river
you will come to me
beyond the borders
and the dry lands
You say that like a river
like a river...
the love will come
the love...
And i don't know how to pray anymore
and in love i don't know how to hope anymore
and for that love i don't know how to wait anymore
[End of Translation]
Is there a time for tying ribbons
A time for Christmas trees
Is there a time for laying tables
And the night is set to freeze
O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo,
[dar u kom sva blaga višnji nam bog je do...]
2007年9月9日 星期日
" 明白就好 !! "
"明白就好 ! " 祢說.
於是,釋放了 !!
2007年9月5日 星期三
This is just a modern rock song by Belle and Sebastian
beauty and sad.
Emma tried to run away,
I followed her across the city,
She went out to the Easterhouse,
Because she liked the sound of it.
She didn't have a single penny,
She stuck a finger in the air,
She tried to flag down an aeroplane,
I suppose she needs a holiday.
I put my arm around her waist,
She put me on the ground with Judo,
She didn't recognise my face,
She wasn't even looking.
Laura's feeling just ideal,
Her horoscope was nearly perfect,
She's thinking of something to do,
Because she is The Birthday Girl.
She walked out to the edge of town,
She saw me lying in the park,
She took Emma by the hand,
They've got a lot in common.
I'll leave them to do what they want,
I'll leave them to do what they need to,
I'll go and play with words and pictures,
I'll admit I'm feeling strange.
I'm not as sad as Dostoevsky,
I'm not as clever as Mark Twain,
I'll only buy a book for the way it looks,
And then I stick it on the shelf again.
Now I could tell you what I'm thinking,
But it never seems to do you good,
It's beyond me what a girl can see,
I'm only lucid when I'm writing songs.
This is just a modern rock song,
This is just a sorry lament,
We're four boys in corduroys,
We're not terrific but we're competent.
Stevie's full of good intentions,
Richards into rock 'n' roll,
Stuart's staying in and he thinks it's a sin,
That he has to leave the house at all.
This is just a modern rock song,
This is just a tender affair,
I count "three, four" and then we start to slow,
Because a song has got to stop somewhere.
2007年9月4日 星期二
Funny Little Frog
Funny Little Frog by Belle and sebastian
騎里得來有趣可愛好玩,Belle and sebastian,七人荷蘭樂隊.
友人Joyce 介紹的樂隊,一聽就愛上.
Honey lovin you is the greatest thing
I get to be myself and I get to sing
I get to play at being irresponsible
I come home late at night and I love your soul
I never forget you in my prayers
I never have a bad thing to report
You’re my picture on the wall
You’re my vision in the hall
You’re the one I’m talking to
When I get in from my work
You are my girl, and you don’t even know it
I am livin out the life of a poet
I am the jester in the ancient court
You’re the funny little frog in my throat
My eye sight’s fading, my hearing’s dim
I can’t get insured for the state I’m in
I’m a danger to myself I’ve been starting fights
At the party at the club on a Saturday night
But I don’t get disapproving from my girl
She gets the all highlights wrapped in pearls..
You’re my picture on the wall
You’re my vision in the hall
You’re the one I’m talking to
When I get in from my work
You are my girl, and you don’t even know it
I am livin out the life of a poet
I am the jester in the ancient court
You’re the funny little frog in my throat
I had a conversation with you at night
It’s a little one sided but that’s allright
I tell you in the kitchen about my day
You sit on the bed in the dark changing places
With the ghost that was there before you came
You’ve come to save my life again
I don’t dare to touch your hand
I don’t dare to think of you
In a physical way
And I don’t know how you smell
You are the cover of my magazine
You’re my fashion tip, a living museum
I’d pay to visit you on rainy Sundays
I’ll maybe tell you all about it someday
the official site of Belle and Sebastian
2007年9月2日 星期日
送給所有來看這個blog的, 我認識的或者不認識的朋友 :)
張震嶽, 蔡健雅 以新的方式重新演繹齊秦的舊歌.
歌中的鼓聲節奏,就像心跳,是思念的心跳吧! :)
唱: 張震嶽, 蔡健雅 (二人以新的方式重新演唱)
一輩子有多少的來不及 發現 已經 失去
最重要的東西 恍然大悟 早已遠去
為何總是在犯錯之後 才肯相信 錯的是自己 他們說這就是人生
試著體會 試著忍住眼淚
還是躲不開應該有的情緒 我不會奢求世界停止轉動
只是這段時間裡 尤其在夜裡 還是會想起
難忘的事情 我想我的思念是一種病
汲汲營營 忘記身邊的人需要
愛和關心 借口總是拉遠了距離 不知不覺 無聲無息
我們總是在抱怨事與願違 卻不願意回頭看看自己
想想自己到底做了什麼蠢事情 也許是上帝給我一個試煉
只是會想念 過去的一切 那些人事物 會離我遠去
而我們終究也會遠離 變成回憶
oh~ 思念是一種病
oh~ 思念是一種病
多久沒有擁抱 你所愛的人 當這個世界不再那麼美好
只有愛可以讓他更好 我相信一切都來得及
別讓不開心的事 停下了腳步 就怕你不說 就怕你不做
別讓遺憾 繼續 一切都來得及
★當你在穿山越嶺的另一邊 我在孤獨的路上沒有盡頭
oh~ 思念是一種病
oh~ 思念是一種病
Time in a bottle by Jim Crce
"I'm no missionary," says Jim Croce about his songs, "and I can't wear any armor, either. I just gotta be the way I am." Jim Croce said.
同樣令人心動的,Jim Corce的歌" Time in a bottle "
If I could save time in a bottle,
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away,
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever,
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time,
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know,
You're the one I want to go
Through time with.
If I had a box just for wishes,
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty,
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you.
But there never seems to be enough time,
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know,
You're the one I want to go
Through time with
Offical site of Jim Croce
昨天晚上做了個夢 我走進撒哈拉沙漠 空無一人站在太陽下
攝氏六十六點六度 快要焚化我的眼珠 忽然一場大雨 降下來
汗水被那雨水沖走 結束四十天的折磨 荒漠已轉變成了綠洲
彩虹下有一棵大樹 大樹上有一個蘋果 咬了一口 我就全明白
可不可以讓我再 讓我再一次回到那個美麗世界裡 找自己
嘩啦啦啦啦啦 天在下雨
嘩啦啦啦啦啦 雲在哭泣
嘩啦啦啦啦啦 滴入我的心
不用說我只會胡思亂想 不用跟我說我只會妄想
嘩啦啦啦啦啦 讓我去淋雨
我只希望能夠再 能夠再一次回到那個美麗時光裡 找自己
擠在公車像個沙丁魚 上班下班每天是規律
每個面孔寫著無奈 爸爸媽媽彼此沒有愛
可不可以讓我再 讓我再一次回到那個美麗世界裡 去逃避
躲在我的屋簷下面 oh 睡在我的被單裡面 oh 聽著細雨滴滴答答